And almost half of the sexually active students had never been tested for an STD, even though one in five college students know someone who has contracted a sexually transmitted disease while in college.
In the U.S., one in four sexually active teens become infected with an STD every year: .
-134,000 new cases of syphilis are occurring each year, the highest infection rate in 40 years. .
-1.3 million new gonorrhea cases occur annually. .
-24 million new cases of human papilloma virus (HPV) occur annually .
-63% of all sexually transmitted disease (STD) cases occur among people less than 25 years of age. .
All of these kinds of things are constantly discussed in our universities, but even with students knowing they exist, they still engage in sexual activities. Once you become a part of the statistics; you start to realize how much of an affect this will have on your life. Being a college student you don't need any extra stress put on you because trying to deal with classes, jobs, roommates, and thoughts about the future is enough.
But while casual sex is growing in popularity with the passing of each semester, the increased awareness to fatal, sexually transmitted diseases, such as HIV and AIDS. Most common thing you hear college students say is, "I know I don't have anything, and my sex partners, they're clean." Today, sexually transmitted diseases, particularly herpes and gonorrhea are the main cases you hear about on campus. .
Then there's the fact of trying to promote safe sex on our university's campuses, but people have to look at it as everyone has different morals in life and the different ways they look at things. Condoms are often considered as a primary form of birth control, and you may think that it would be better for a man and a woman to use a condom than no form of birth control at all. However, making condoms available to students on campus by placing them in the dorms is an unnecessary temptation to those students who choose not to engage in sex.