As explained before with the car shopping example, on-line shopping gives you a greater ability to comparison shop. You have a chance to look at well known stores that have physical locations and also get to look at stores that do not have physical locations. This would mean that the only place you can shop or buy that stores merchandise is from the Internet. Because these stores do not having a physical locations they can offer their products at a cheaper cost and it will also allow smaller stores to compete with bigger companies. The important thing to remember with on-line shopping is that the manufacturer is trying to please you, the customer, because without you the company will not survive.
Even though the on-line stores need customers, there are still advantages and disadvantages to shopping on-line. One major advantage is that you can shop whenever you want because the sites are open 24 hours a day. You can also typically jump form one store to the next very quickly. You don not have to worry about finding a place to park, rude employees of the company or even knowing where the store is located. Another advantage to on-line shopping is that some on-line stores are not as expensive as physical stores so they can pass savings to you, the customer. There are also disadvantages to shopping on-line. The main two disadvantages are the fact that you can't physically touch are try the item on and some people worry about security. Not being able to see the item before you purchase it is not a disadvantage with some items, such as a CD, but if you were to buy clothes on-line you wouldn't be able to try them on so if were to get the wrong size and it didn't fit you would have to go through the hassle of sending it back. You couldn't just walk into a store and exchange it for another size, style, or item in general. Another disadvantage would be shipping charges, which is not always a disadvantage because the item could still be cheaper but not always.