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             In Major Depressive Disorder, the depressed mood must be present for most of the day, nearly every day, for at least two weeks. Additional mood disorders, such as Dysthymia, have other diagnostical criteria which includes depressed mood for a period of at least two years. In depressive disorders, sadness and despondency are exaggerated, prolonged, or unreasonable. Symptoms and signs of a depressive disorder are sadness, hopelessness, and an inability to feel pleasure or take interest in things that were of prior interest. In addition, fatigue, withdrawal, hypersensitivity, feelings of worthlessness, extreme negative self-image and recurrent thoughts of suicide can accompany the disorder. Major Depressive Disorders can also inhibit a persons" ability to concentrate or focus on tasks. Lastly, changes in physical activities such as eating, sleeping and sex may occur along with frequent physical complaints with no evidence of physical illness. .
             Depression tends to run in families and to reoccur. The causes of depression are presently unknown in many cases. Improper functioning of brain chemicals is thought to be involved in depression. Occasionally, a medical illness, alcohol, drugs or medications may cause depression. Recognition and diagnosis of depression are crucial first steps to recovery. Since many patients go to their general physician with complaints of fatigue, pain, irritability or anxiety as well as frank depression, general physicians provide effective first-line diagnosis and treatment of depression. Psychiatrists, psychologists and other mental health clinicians with special expertise and extensive experience in .
             treating depression are often consulted by general physicians when routine treatments are ineffective. .
             Overall, women are twice as likely as men to experience depression. Authorities believe that social and environmental conditions are the main reason for this difference.

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