Many people play sports to have fun, but can every sport out there be considered fun to .
everyone? There are some who like football and hockey but can not stand baseball or basketball. .
There are also people who think quit the opposite. To separate different peoples interest, ask .
yourself the question, What would be the perfect sport? The perfect sport can include: .
excitement, action, physical fitness, talent, competitiveness, and enjoyment. There is only one .
sport that comes to mind when combining all these outstanding qualities. Hockey!!.
Hockey is a very popular sport that is now played all around the world. Many sports .
concentrate only on Americans and how great they are. That is not the case in hockey. There is .
scouting done all around the world from the United States, South America, Europe, Canada, all .
the way to Asia. However hockey is most popular in the United States, Europe, and Canada .
(Where hockey began). People want to see talent all around the world. In fact most of the talent .
played in the N.H.L (National Hockey League) are non-americans. Hockey's greatest, Wayne .
Gretzsky, was a Canadian native. Sergei Fedorov, Paval Datsyuk, and Paval Bure are Russian .
natives. Then you have Jeri Fisher, and Dominik Hasek from the Detroit Red Wings who are .
natives of the Chech Republic. Every Year the N.H.L competes in the Olympics, so that we as .
fans could see talent all around the world. This is a huge aspect of the game of hockey that you .
really do not see in most team sports.
The demands of the game of hockey, along with a 82 game schedule really put a lot of .
pressure on the individual both physically and mentally. Even though players are on the ice for .
an average of a minute at a time, the workout is the most intense in professional sports. In order .
to be a good hockey player you must stay in shape. During a game of hockey imagine holding .
your breath a full minute and times that by 10. That is why you can only go out there for a .