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Gay Marriages


2. Defend Free Speech. Legalizing homosexual marriage will lead to criminalizing Judeo-Christian speech. If you say the homosexual behavior is immoral and sinful - even to quote the Holy Bible - it will be a criminal offense as it is in Canada today. The suppression of free speech is next on the homosexual agenda. .
             By his rationalization, are people who speak out against the Bible or the Christian faith committing a crime because they are infringing on the right to practice any religion? I would hate to tell Bowden this, but most gay marriage advocates (if not all) are firm believers in the right to free speech, just like any other red-blooded American, and they are not trying to it away.
             3. Defend American Civilization. The family - based on a mother and father married - is a pillar of our civilization. No civilization - ever - has defined marriage other than a man and a woman. Even civilizations in decline with rampant homosexuality never pretended that homosexual relationships were the basis for the family. It's biologically impossible for homosexuals to create a family naturally - which speaks to the abnormal nature of their sexual perversion. .
             My main question about this "reason" is that I have no idea what civilizations ever declined due to "rampant homosexuality." I would personally like to know which one(s) did so I can wonder why I never heard about it. Although it is true that same-sex couples cannot conceive children by themselves, female couples have sperm banks and male friends and family members who can provide semen. Men have female friends and family members who can act as surrogate mothers for them. And then there are the thousands, if not millions, of children who are in the adoption and foster care system who would love to have good, permanent parents, no matter what their sexual preference is. As long as there are people who can't take care of their own children (and that has nothing to do with homosexuality), the government will be taking them away to try and provide a better life for them by trying to place them somewhere else.

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