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Africa's Imperialism


In the last line of the same stanza, the Africans are called "half-devil and half-child." The same idea of de-humanization of the Africans is present throughout Heart of Darkness as well, where the natives of the Congo are repeatedly called "savages." .
             The second stanza of "The White Man's Burden" speaks of how patiently and selflessly the Europeans took up the "burden" of Africa, even in the face of unknown terror, "to seek another's profit and work another's gain." One can see the parallels between these ideas presented in the poem and those in Heart of Darkness. Some men professed to be in Africa for the benevolent cause of civilizing and helping the savages, but their real intentions were less than charitable. They sought profit for themselves in selling ivory. This was the intention of Marlowe's aunt when she got him the job on the steamboat. She talked of " weaning those ignorant millions from their horrid ways" but when Marlowe hinted to her that the Company was run for profit, she said, "you forget, dear Charlie, that the labourer is worthy of his hire." She knew very well that going to Africa could be very profitable not only for one's soul and conscience, but also for one's pocket. .
             The last four lines of the third stanza can be brought to attention for their double meaning. The first line, "And when your goal is nearest" on face value could mean the goal of helping the Africans, but knowing the background of imperialism in Africa, it seems more likely to be the goal of enslaving the Africans and taking their resources. The next line, "(the end for others sought)" is very sarcastic and is just another reiteration of the fraudulent European goals. The last two lines, "Watch sloth and heathen folly/ Bring all your hope to nought." can also be read further into. What is looked upon by the Europeans as "heathen folly" is most likely the Africans trying desperately to retain their identities and customs.

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