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Easy rider


             As they continue their journey they pick up a hitchhiker. A discussion between the three of them reveals that the hiker was from a city, but he refuses to say which it was, as he believes that all of them are the same. This is an idea that was brought out in the 60s culture, that the idea of big business, which the city represented, was a way of losing one's identity. In this discussion about identity, the hitchhiker expresses that he would like to be Porky Pig. Wyatt replies that he's never wanted to be anything but himself. This interaction serves to underscore the difference between Wyatt and the Hitchhiker. The hitchhiker wants to be a fictional character; he is running from the city. Wyatt on the other hand only wants to be himself; he is searching for something. .
             Wyatt and Billy bring the hiker to a commune that he lives in. Throughout this section, there is a peaceful feeling. The commune was an idea that came to moderate popularity during the 60s especially. This shows the idea in a very positive light. Everyone seems to be getting along, people are having fun, and they're all sharing the workload. There isn't much food left, but the people are working on growing food. Wyatt truly admires the people on the commune and tells Billy that "they'll make it-. Wyatt feels comfortable there, as opposed to Billy who begins to freak out when the entire commune is singing "Does you hair hang low?- This scene makes the differences between Wyatt and Billy quite obvious. Wyatt is content to live in the middle of the desert on a commune for the rest of his life. Billy on the other hand can't stand the communal life for more than one afternoon. .
             After leaving the commune, they get arrested for parading without a permit. This signifies a shift in the environment. No longer are they cruising through the desert without a care in the world, they are in the deep south which at the time was not exactly a bastion of free love and acceptance.

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