The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a .
person or an organized group against people or property with the .
intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments is .
the definition of terrorism. In the past The United States has loss .
million and millions of dollars on fixing, cleaning, and protecting our .
nation against terrorist attacks. We also have loss lives of our working .
Americans; for example when nine eleven took place who knows how .
many lives we loss. We had to tighten up on our security all across the .
nation, at Airports, Military Bases, the border and checkpoints. Our .
military and Government has done a lot to resolve this terrorism in the .
United States but no matter how long our troops stay over their and .
fight for us, and capture people we still have to be aware that we have .
more enemies then we know and we never know who it may be.
Another problem on our hands that we our facing when it .
comes to terrorist, is that the people that our coming over to the .
United States and committing terrorist attacks truly, and I mean this to .
the fullest extent believe that they are doing something good. And by .
doing these acts they will magically go to heaven and live a nice after .
life. But not all terrorist are together; there are different types of .
terrorist that exist and they are all over the world. For example they .
have nationalist terrorism which is when a group of people come .
together to seek a separate state. This type of terrorism happens more .
in the Middle Eastern countries then anywhere else. Another type of .
terrorism is religious terrorism which is when violence is use to make .
major changes in major faiths. One example of that is al-Qaeda a .
network ran by Osama Bin Laden and is responsible for none eleven .
and the bombing of the USS Cole. Religious terrorism is the biggest .
problem out of the two. The lists of countries that have suffered from .