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Monetary Value of Depression


The neurotransmitter imbalance inhibits brain cells from communicating with each other, leading to confusion and low self-esteem (Causes of Depression). If the feelings of confusion and low self-esteem persist over time, people become "readily overwhelmed by stress and are more prone to depression" (Franklin). These people who are more prone to depression usually become depressed if action is not taken against the feelings of low self-worth. Usually "action" comes in the form of antidepressants. In 2002, antidepressant drugs comprised $17.1 billion of the $400 billion prescription drug market. Sales rose five percent from 2001, making antidepressants the third largest pharmaceutical drug market in the world, trailing only antiulcerantes and cholesterol reducers (Jenner). Eventually if the depressed person does not receive treatment, he or she may attempt suicide, the leading cause of un-natural death in the United States. .
             Feelings of depression are not solely brought on by biological factors. Genetics, the branch of biology that deals with heredity, often play a huge role in whether or not a person will be depressed. A person may feel as if his or her life is in shambles, and the poor quality of his or her life is determined by daily events. However, a small percentage of people are susceptible to depression from the moment they are born. Case studies have shown that if "one or both of your parents has a vulnerability to depression, then it can be transmitted to you" (Causes of Depression). These unlucky people have a trait in their genes that predispose humans to feelings of unhappiness or depression. .
             The hypothesis of depression being transferred genetically has significant support in case studies of identical twins. If one identical twin suffers from depression or some other manic-depressive disorder, "the other twin has a 70 percent chance of also having the illness" (Causes of Depression).

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