Consequently, thefreedom? of the playground and thediscipline? of the classroom do not represent afundamental opposition?, but rather two tactics which form part of a wider strategy aimed at the correct training of young people?.
Now that management of the external environment was established as an excellent means of discipline, the conduct of the mind was to be the next area educators set about measuring and monitoring. As before, the same concepts of knowledge and differentiation were now set to task on categorising and sub-categorising the mind, and assessing such processes asintelligence, aptitude, motivation, mental organization, creativity, morale, memory, attention span, critical reasoning, emotional stability, to name a few?.
As discussed earlier, this process of measurement and normalisation meant that students'subjective lives are now as disciplined, measurable and normalised as their objective conduct?.
In concluding this chapter, Meadmore emphasises that, whilst all of the discussed changes to the educational environment have served to dramatically revolutionise how students are disciplined and managed, they have all been brought aboutat different historical moments, often for quite different administrative and educational reasons?.
Chapter 8 addresses the educational theory and practice of devolutionary management within the educational environment. Whilst there are many differences in implementation and structure, all state education departments in Australia have, in some form or another, have been involved in the devolution of power from a central bureaucracy to schools and other organisational units in the pursuit of better management of resources and outcomes.
Meadmore emphasises that these forms of restructuring and deregulation of state school systems are in no way confined to Australia, with countries such as America, England, Wales and New Zealand all instigating policy in this regard.