There are many ways of understanding race, class, and gender inequalities .
because many people have different views on these topics. Three popular theories on this .
are: cultural deficiency, bias theory, and structural theory. In the following paragraphs I .
will explain the similarities and differences of these different theories. .
Cultural deficiencies can be defined as minority groups having the wrong way of .
thinking and acting. By this I mean that people of the minority race feel and act like they .
are being discriminated against and they teach these ideas to their children through their .
actions and words. When I was at the store the other day I saw a black man accuse a .
worker of being a racist because he checked the black man receipt and not mine. The .
black man was making a scene about this in front of his children. I found that the reason .
they checked his receipt was because he was carrying a television out of the store and I .
just had a candy. By making a scene about this in front of his kids he was teaching them .
that they will be discriminated against because of their race. In the movie "Color of .
Fear," David had this attitude that minorities have the wrong way of thinking. He felt that .
because he didn't consider himself a racist and that he doesn't see any acts of racism that .
the minorities shouldn't feel that they are being discriminated against. People with this .
theory feel that inequality can be eliminated by not passing the beliefs on to their children .
by their actions and speech. If something happens to you, don't automatically assume it is .
because of the color of your skin.
The next theory used to explain inequalities are the bias theories. These can be .
defined as the majority group being prejudice. In the movie "Color of Fear," they .
continued to argue with David, saying that there is racism. The minorities felt that racism .
wasn't the individual acts of hatred but the indivisible things that the majority group just .