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The Return of a Rock Revelation: Limp Bizkit


This again was in order go along with the lyrics of the song, one in particular being "I just wanna look at you." It is important to again emphasize the point again that this action was not put into the video to make the video more appealing to Limp Bizkit fans. This was included to provide a good backdrop to what was being said through the lyrics and music of the song. After all, music videos are meant to be miniature movies. The entire setting of this video makes sense, in the fact that at the end, police come looking for the band members, but since they are in a dark and uninhabited environment, it is easy for them to escape. By the way it was depicted in this video, the band had kidnapped the woman so that Fred could seek his desired retribution for the pain that she had caused him. Obviously, kidnapping is illegal, which is why they chose such an obscure environment for a performance. Fans enjoy seeing videos that correspond with the connotations of the song itself, which is why this video would not be so effective if it would be in a friendlier environment. The darkness of the setting also corresponds with the image and edginess of the band. People of the intended audience, who are rebellious and nonconformists, associate more with dark colors to match there dark feelings and attitudes. A black environment can be interpreted as dark character, which is the image that the band is attempting to depict.
             The gestures and body language in this music video correspond with the anger and pain portrayed in the lyrics of the song and the image of the band. Most of these things come from the lead singer Fred, simply because the rest of the band members are .
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             hindered by the instruments that they are playing. However they too show their anger by jumping up and down aggressively and shaking their heads in a violent motion.

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