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Now lets say you have some friends that also attend this school and want to have a lunchtime bible study, but are afraid that the school may suspend you or even worse. Well, it says in the constitution, the rules and regulations our country is based upon, that students may have a bible study in and on school premises as long as it is student led. Teachers may even attend, but cannot participate in the function. This is where a lot can go wrong and things get turned upside down. This is also where some of the bads come into play. This freedom is more a rightstricken than abused law. In other words it's more denied than abused. An example of this was written by Rebecca Jones from the American Schoolboard Journal. She wrote, "Lillian Gobits Vs Minersville District, in 1940 led some West Virginians to punish Jehovah's Witnesses who refuse to have their children recite the Pledge of Allegiance in school. The Witnesses, she wrote, "Were actually herded together and fed castor oil, stripped of their clothes, and forced to walk through town." (Jones 2) Well, about three years later the supreme court reversed itself and ruled that schools could not require the pledge. It's this kind of abuse that turns people away from religion in my opinion. Nothing is more challenging than confronting a well-established myth. A myth, repeated often enough that it takes a hold on peoples imaginations and is all but impossible to get rid of. One such myth is that when it comes to religion in public schools, people For and Against school prayer are engaged in the legal equivalent of Hand-to-hand combat, one side fighting to put God in schools, and the other desperately trying to keep him out. Unfortunately, parents, schools officials, and politicians alike sometimes act as if the myth were fact. Some people ag-on this myth with well-intentioned, but simply wrong statements about what the constitution does and does not permit.

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