Educational Audio Tapes "Minority report".
This audio tape tells a story of the not so distance future where a police by the .
name of John Anderton is the founder and Chef of a new police agency called .
Precrime. This new agency works by predicting the future of anyone who have the .
intention of committing a major crime. Everything was working fine until one day .
there have been a prediction on John Anderton killing a man. As the head of the crime .
department John Anderton was the first the view the pictures that are coming in. At .
that very moment when John Anderton found out that he will be killing someone that .
he havent even met in a few days he panic and escaped from the precrime police .
station. While he is running from the agents that once work for him he kidnap one of .
the special gifted people in precrime that can predict the future of anyone who is .
going to commit a crime. He then set out to discover the truth on what motivate him .
to commit this crime. During his search he found out that all this have to do with his .
lost son when he was kidnap by an unknown stranger when they went swimming in a .
public swimming pool. But he soon found out that it was all a set up by one of his .
best friend so that it will cover up this killing of a innocent woman who happen to be .
the mother of the special gifted girl that John Anderton have kidnap from the precrime .
station. After John Anderton have discover the real truth he then set out to revenge .
for himself and he also prove that the whole system is not perfect and they should not .
arrest and charge people of crimes that they havent commit.