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Peter reminds Jesus that he and the others had given up everything for him. .
             Jews also use to have followers in those times but would have been educated or they would be well off. If you look at Jesus disciples they were not well educated or rich, they were normal everyday people.
             Jesus told the group that he was going to suffer. They didn't take it seriously. When Jesus took them along to the mountain he told them to stay awake which they didn't. They did not even go to check weather Jesus was ok. After all the time they have followed Jesus and now he says he is going to suffer they don't really care, couldn't stay awake at the mountain. .
             There was a role for the disciples to do as there job. They had been chosen by Jesus to do the following, first of all they had to preach the old and New Testament. This showed the right path of living. People in those days weren't perfect, some did robberies just like today, but the disciple's jobs were to show the right path. Another authority the disciples had was to cast out demons. Jesus gave this authority so the word of messiah is spread quicker. Anoint the sick was another power the disciples had meaning they could make the sick better. When the disciples were ready to go out they sent by Jesus in twos. He gave them all the authorities that they had learned. They weren't allowed to take anything with them on the journey except a stick. They also weren't allowed to take bread, beggars bag, and money. They were allowed to wear sandals but not to take an extra bag. If they are welcomed to a place they can stay at the same house until you leave. If you come to a town where people do not welcome you or will not listen to you leave the place and shake the dust off your feet. That will be a warning to them. This was carried out by the disciples as they were asked to do.
             There is also a price to pay when you are a disciple. You have to suffer, as the son of man will.

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