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Also second time when Judy had sonogram it was hard because child inside didn't want to turn they couldn't fid her heart so nurse kept squizing and finally they all got to see the child. Mom and dad started really to see their child in life and they started to talk to her right then. Its really nails down of life human beings. "This when we realized that we actually going to be parents for real now that its not a game anymore we really have to think about take care of this human being." Dad adds. .
             Mom didn't have any morning sicknesses, but Indian food made mom go crazy she wanted to throw up every time she had to smell Indian food and Judy had to smell a lot of times because her co-workers used to order Indian food and it was hard for her to be near it because she felt like she will throw up. Today Judy doesn't have that anymore she can be again herself and be near Indian food without throwing up and being sick. .
             Judy didn't have any cravings on particular food but she wanted to drink beer " Probably because it has vitamin B and vitamin B is for nerves so it should come you down and needed iron. I also wanted to eat meat after a while being a vegetarian but the main reason I wanted to eat meat because I was afraid that my child wont get enough proteins" Judy said. "This day Judy still wants to eat meat and drink beer" Mark adds (laughing) .
             During pregnancy Judy gained some weight but it wasn't too bad it wasn't like she was large woman it was normal weight it wasn't out of control. .
             Now Philippa finally started to drow and till to the end of our interview she was sitting and drowing and her parents by her side and both with a pride in their eyes were tilling me the story and at the same time talking to Philippa. .
             For Judy was hard to sleep on the back and she wasn't alowd to sleep on her stomach because of the baby so she had to sleep on her side, Judy had a bach problem toward the end .

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