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The paraphilia gives the individual so much pleasure that giving up this behavior is unthinkable. Almost all paraphiacs are male, except with sexual masochists, the ratio is twenty to one (www.healthnet.com). .
             And without any more delay, the first type of paraphilia is exhibitionism, which is exposing one's genitals to a stranger. The exposure is then followed by an intense sexual excitement and often masturbation. The sexual behavior is almost always limited to the exposure of the genitals, and the person may not make any further advances toward the stranger. Most often exhibitionism begins as an adolescence and can continue into adulthood but will most likely die out with age. Psychoanalytic research suggests that childhood trauma, such as sexual abuse, or significant childhood experiences can manifest itself into this type of behavior.
             Fetishism is where people have sexual urges, fantasies and behavior that are associated with non-living objects that are not primarily sexual in nature. And object of fetish might be an article of female clothing, such as a women's underwear or high heeled shoe. Typically, the person who uses the object tends to require if to become sexually aroused and is unable to become aroused without it so this object may also be incorporated into sexual activity with a partner in order to achieve sexual excitement. The fetish tends to begin in adolescence and can be quite chronic into adult life. To get a diagnosis the urges and behaviors must be causing a significant amount of stress on the individual or be disruptive to their everyday functioning. Many theories exist in an attempt to explain how this disorder comes around, but most experts agree that there are issues that relate back to childhood that play a major role.
             Men typically have frotteurism because it is simply easier for men to rub up against an unsuspecting stranger. Frotteurism is when men focus there sexual urges towards touching or rubbing their bodies against a non-consenting, unfamiliar women.

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