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             The lack sufficient of law enforcement personnel promoted lawlessness. People called .
             "Bechini" pillaged homes, murdering and raping people. They dressed red robes with red mask .
             and only their eyes showed. The horror of the black death had taken on a new victim, the economy.
             By the 1370s wages had risen dramatically and prices of foodstuffs fallen. Hired labourers, being .
             fewer, asked for higher wages and better food, and peasants tenants, also fewer, asked for better .
             conditions of tenure when they took up land. .
             The plague also made its way into popular music. Some of this music we still sing today. One.
             of those songs is ring around the rosie. "Rosie" meaning the red rash which is the first sign, posies .
             - flower to ward off the disease (and cover up smells), ashes (actually - ashoo - from sneezing - last.
             of infection ), all fall down. It is a morbid song. A lot of cultural expression in 14th century seems .
             morbid - obsessed with death; pressed to snatch at short - term pleasure. .
             The impact on religion. The plague also led to search for religious scapegoats. Remember, .
             medieval doctors had no idea how the disease was transmitted - no knowledge of bacteria, and .

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