paper in itself and its first before the ironclads, the Navy was useless against heavily .
fortified areas along the Mississippi then these new ships of war turned the tides and .
were used to good affect by both sides. The Arkansas Ironclad became famous for its .
firepower and many victories along the river.
Helena and Arkansas Post were two ports on the Arkansas side of the river that had to be.
taken out before the great Prize of Vicksburg could be sought. Obviously Grant and .
Sherman were not as concerned with the inner part of the state leaving Maj. General .
Fred Steele in charge of taking the rest of the state.
Fort Hindman surrendered after some Naval Bombardment with heavy cost to the Union .
and Confederate prisoners were hauled north to prison camps. Later they were .
exchanged for Union Prisoners dispersing Arkansas Confederates all over the South. .
Most of these were to join up with Major General Pat Cleburne others in the Army of .
Northern Virginia.
General Steele is now on the move. Little Rock is his objective. He sends Brig. .
General Davidson's cavalry division across the Arkansas River while he goes to the .
north to attack already entrenched Confederate troops. Davidson runs into confederate .
troops at Bayou Fourche and sends them fleeing back to Little Rock. The City .
falls that evening due to Davidson's actions at Fourche. The fall of Little Rock further.
helped contain the Trans-Mississippi Theater from the rest of the Confederacy.
The Confederate Capital now moves to Washington, Arkansas and will remain there .
until the end of the war. Washington never seems to have any serious defenses but .
nevertheless it never catches Steele's eye. He even comes within miles of the Arkansas .
Confederate Capital on his Camden Campaign and just leaves it alone. While .
Confederate troops in the east suffered from exposure due to lack of shoes and clothing.
there seemed to be enough to supply divisions with uniforms all sitting idle in .