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The Lords Of Discipline


             In the controversial novel The Lords of Discipline, Pat Conroy describes the admirable camaraderie of four boys who grow into men while being there for one another. The men who made up a room in the number four barracks at the Carolina Military Institute include: Dante Pignetti, the Italian with an awesome capacity for rage, Mark Santoro, the other Italian who has a soft spot for his roommates William and Tradd, Tradd St-Croix, the Charlestonian who is responsible for carrying on his infamous family name and William McLean, the quick mouthed English major. Will is the first to realize that he cannot hide his troubles through humor and in order to become a man of the Institute he must expose the brutal traditions, violence and corruption of his school. As William McLean uncovers the hidden truths of friendships and relationships, he realizes that the people closest to him betray him. He continues to hold his head high throughout his tribulations. Readers sense this and characterize Will as a hero. .
             In all his time at the Institute Will lusts after one woman, Annie Kate Gervais. Annie Kate was pregnant with another man's child when Will become aware that loves her. "Infect me, Annie Kate? I want to take it all. I want to feel every hurt you have, and I want us to beat them down together." He cannot understand why he has fallen in love with Annie Kate, nor can he remember when he knew he loved her. The only word Will can use to express how he without her is lifeless. Will is not "alive" if he is unable to hear her voice or if he is not writhing a letter to her. She becomes an essence to every part of his thoughts. Annie Kate is the only spirit who inhabits his dreams. Without her Will empty. In the end when Will realizes how she felt about him, Will does not want to understand. Will becomes aware that he will never hear form her again. Annie Kate does not want to remember him and cannot remember the time they spent together.

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