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S. will experience an episode of major depression some time in their lives. About 1 out of 6 American adults have depression during their lifetimes.
             An estimated 10-14 million Americans suffer from depression, according to a recent article in the "Alliance for the Mentally Ill" publication. No one is immune from an attack of depression. Keep in mind that everyone feels "down" or "blue" at times, which is normal. It been estimated that 26 out of 100 women and 12 out of every 100 men will have a major depressive episode at least once in their lives. For creative individuals the estimate increases to 38 out of 100.
             Statistics can be deceiving and any attempt to qualify this disease could be challenged. Particularly since, 80% of those suffering from depression never seek treatment and suffer needlessly.
             People who are depressed often feel isolated and alone, different and unusual, misunderstood by family and friends, powerless and defeated. Many feel the need to hide their real feelings, even from those they love. Those who are more willing to share their experiences share many common experiences although each case is dramatically different. "They share a common bond. They live in a no-mans" land that's sapping the community of its most valuable resource competent contributing citizens. They don't choose to live there. And they can't will to get out of there without help.".
             For some the disease can be traced to low self esteem; for others to excessive drain on their physical health and energy for chronic illnesses; for others to abnormally high levels of stress related life experiences; for other realization that life is passing them by and their goals will never be reached. .
             There are three major types of depression that one can get. Major Depression, Bipolar I Disorder, and Dysthymic Disorder. All three are prolonged and disturbed emotional state that affects almost all of a person" thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

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