It is a good____ example of the general information put into practical use. Finally I will sum up the essay in a???//// conclusion, and redirect the question with my final argument._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________-?.
The baroque is a cultural movement in European history , the lavish, heavy decoration and curvaceous, complex forms evolved in Rome around c1620-1660 as an expression of Catholic resurgence. Architecture was used as a means of propagating faith in the Church. Art historians, have traditionally emphasized that the Baroque period falls in a time which the Roman Catholic Church had to react against the many revolutionary cultural movements that produced a new science and new forms of religion (Reformation). It has been said that the monumental Baroque is a style that could give the Papacy, like secular absolute monarchies, a formal imposing way of expression that could restore its prestige, at the point of becoming somehow symbolic of the Counter-Reformation. Effectively, it was successfully developed in Rome, where Baroque architecture widely renewed the central areas with perhaps the most urbanistic addition (or, more properly, revision). But many other examples are found in other European towns (and in the Spanish Americas). .
Seventeenth century Baroque architects also made architecture a means of propagating faith in the state. During the baroque period new social and political systems resulted in the concentration of power in the hands of individuals with absolute authority, Consequently baroque palaces expanded to command the infinite and to display the power and order of the state. Architecture affirmed this- through the structures and decorative programs of other projects such as, churches, public and government buildings, and military installations.