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Medical Revolution


The Eastern belief is that, "to understand the way a tree works, one should not chop it down, but must observe it in the forest"( Nivision,119). Both methods can be effective but it really depends on the disease. If there was a hospital that offered both methods, then patients would have the best treatment possible. Western medicine is better at seeing pathological, structural problems, while Eastern medicine is stronger at seeing functional problems( Stix, 38-39). For example, if a patient goes to a Western practitioner complaining of abdominal pain, the doctor will run a series of tests and diagnose an ulcer. If she goes to an Eastern practitioner, he may tell her that her liver and spleen channel is in disarray. The two medical systems can work well together if they stay philosophically intact and operate side by side. Continuing the example above, the patient with abdominal pain could receive most relief by seeing a Western doctor for diagnosis and treatment of an ulcer, and then seeing an Eastern practitioner for treatment of the functional patterns that created the problems.( Nivison, 184) Western Medicine has the ability to work with the body in ways that are both life saving and enhancing. It is best for crisis intervention and the last few months of life. "It is sickness care more than wellness care". Eastern is more of a wellness care as it focuses on the quality of life and the preservation of the health that we have. While each is complete in its self, the combination of both benefits the health of individuals in ways that neither could do alone. Both are necessary in today's modern society. .
             Modern Society is dominated by Western medicine. One major part of Western medicine is medication or pills to stop pain and illness. There are way to many people in America that are prescribed to some sort of prescription drug. Western medication is created to cure masses of people, rather then look at the individual who has sickness, a western practitioner looks at the sickness the person has and assumes that the pill or medication for that illness is right for that person.

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