The events that happened back in 1945 will have a lasting effect on the world today.
events that took place will forever be history that everyone will remember. Back in 1945, when .
WWII was taking place, many events happened including D-day & Iwo Jima. Iwo Jima wasn't .
the biggest thing that happened but was something that effected on how things were done in the .
Iwo Jima is located approx. 650 miles south of Tokyo, Japan & is 8 square miles large. .
Although Iwo Jima wasn't that large, a lot happened to show for it. Iwo Jima was the first .
Japanese soil that was invaded by the Americans in WWII & a total of 80, 000 Japanese & .
Americans were involved. The Battle of Iwo Jima lasted 36 days, which was a little over a .
month, that started on February 26, 1945 & ended March 16, 1945. Many people would describe .
Iwo Jima in many different ways, but everyone has their own experience at the same time. The .
easiest way to describe the events that took place would have to be that it was a fight between .
70,000 American Marines & 22,000 Japanese men who were "gladiators."" They were called .
gladiators because they used hidden tunnels & trap doors like a gladiator might use. The .
gladiators would then use liquid gasoline & burn the other sides underground hiding places. .
Although the Japanese has good fighting on the ground, the Americans had better fighting by sea .
and air. During the attacks that officially started on February 19, the Americans plan was to land .
& find Mt. Suribachi, which was a major point that they wanted. The following few days, the .
Americans would surround Mt Suribachi, which was a small mountain. Later on, Mt Suribachi .
would become one of the most famous landmarks & event that happened during the battle. When .
the Americans go to the top of Mt Suribachi, they raised a small American flag, symbolizing .
what they conquered. This later on would become the most famous picture of 6 American .