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Creation vs Evolution


He did not believe that evolution was progressive. Darwin believed that there is no definite direction of evolution. He did not think that evolution was completely random just that variations were caused, but do occur at random not in the global sense, but that they were random to needs. He believed in Lamark's inheritance of inquired traits, but did not think it was a large part of evolution.
             Darwin came up with the theory of Natural Selection also known as survival of the fittest. This theory stated that organisms produce more offspring than can survive and can even produce exponentially for a while. Eventually the carrying capacity of that environment is reached. Some organisms can better exploit their environment than others can. Adaptations responsible for their success become better developed. Darwin also believed that there was no supernatural directing force.
             Through time many scientists have adapted these theories with more acquired knowledge. It is now believed that the smallest thing could make a large impact on evolution. There are also mathematical formulas, which calculate the rate at which some species evolve. Many scientists also believe that mutations are slight because any major changes would most likely be lethal. There are many adaptations, but very few that enhance survival or reproduction. Most mutations are neutral and have no effect. Evolutionary changes have occurred throughout time and are not set in stone. New knowledge and information is gained all the time, which allows scientists to prove or try and prove the theories of evolution.
             Biblical creation has a very different view on how the world and humans are created. I am going to quote verses from Genesis. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was waste and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep: and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, let the waters under the heavens be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.

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