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Frankenstein, Mary Shelley


            Shelley uses an assortment of literary devices when presenting her two major characters such as dramatic iron, imagery, and symbolism. These sophisticated techniques add complexity to her novel and add depth and insight to both Frankenstein and the creature. Writing in this format creates and to a certain extent determines reader response. .
             We are first introduced to Frankenstein and the creature during Walton's narrative i.e. the letters. We see the creature on a carriage traveling along the ice of the North Pole. He is not described in a sympathetic way but is distinguished as being of huge stature and monstrous. As soon as in-human qualities are mentioned the reader generally stereotypes the being as an evil one. Mary Shelley's unsympathetic writing is inflicted upon the reader and shadows their perspective. Shelley's introduction of Frankenstein however, is a little more complex and many of the statements contradict each other. For example he is initially described as "wild" and "mad" but soon after described as "benevolent" and "sweet". This draws the audience to the conclusion that his state of mind is fragile and that he is possibly an unstable character. The reader here sympathizes with Victor because there has to be reasoning behind his mentality. At this point we become curious as to what the reason is however the reader may already have come to the conclusion that the explanation lies with the "monstrous" creature. These are very strong accusations considering that we have had only one sighting of the creature. The audience already has a consciousness of who the hero and the villain of this novel is; however, we later see a .
             complete reversal of these judgements.
             In chapter one, Frankenstein's account of events begin. He embarks on revisiting his childhood where we are informed of his innocence. We are told of his loving relationship with his mother and the gift he receives, in Elizabeth.

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