4.2. Behavioural.
Some theorists have applied the Law of Effect. That people behave in ways that win them rewards and suppress or avoid behaviours that are punished. Upon entering a group, a new member will be especially sensitive to "cues" by the other members that signal disapproval, thereby inferring the standards and "rules" of that group. For the most part, establishing or retaining membership in a group is a consequence that results only from choosing to conform to these standards - deriving appropriate reinforcement from appropriate behaviour. As a pattern of reciprocity appears in this exchange of behaviour-for-reinforcement, group norms take shape.
If individuals are to retain membership without conforming to the group's accepted norms, they need to find a way to change the norms so that deviant behaviour becomes redefined as socially appropriate and reinforcable, or they must be permitted to formulate a role that permits deviance and reinforces other members" tolerance of that deviance. E.g. the class clown.
In social psychotherapy, norms are made explicit and highly visible, so that expectations are clear, and coaching is directed to conformity.
In everyday life, norms are often established on a subconscious level. Behavioural research offers evidence for this, e.g.
4.2.1. Stimuli that are outside conscious awareness can influence behaviour. For example, sublimally presented pictures of popcorn may motivate theatregoers to get up and buy popcorn.
4.2.2. Reinforcement can increase the performance of desired behaviour and punishment can discourage undesired behaviour, even though the target individual remains consciously unaware of the manipulation. .
For example, in individual psychotherapy, active listening responses such as saying "uh hm" and smiling will increase the client's tendency to talk about certain subjects or themes, or even show some emotions, without being aware of or being able to verbalize the therapist's subtle manipulation.