Alice walker is a person and people tend to have two different sides. For Alice the two sides are the sisters Dee and Maggie. Dee is the "envy and awe" of the two sisters who looks towards the finer things. Maggie is one who was disfigured in her childhood and held back by her abilities. One side will look at material as all that matters to them where the other will see material as a representation of something much greater.
When Maggie was given the quilt there is this relief that we know she is being loved for her loyalty to which she is not what she is. She knows that she is not the smartest or best-looking girl in the world, she can't even say that for her immediate family but she takes nothing for granted unlike Dee who is stuck on what she wants. Maggie may use the quilt for everyday use but that is because she would hold it so close to her for what the quilt represents to her is far greater then the quilt itself. The quilt represents not her past or heritage but the present love that her mama has for her and that is a far greater meaning for the quilt for her. .
Dee the educated sister sees the quilt as a material object in her new life as Wangero. Coming back home as one who has new strong beliefs that were far more important then years before when she believed that getting that yellow organdy dress for her graduation was so important to her. When she speaks in a letter to home she is embarrassed about her home, but has a sudden change of heart to want to embrace it. She wants the quilt among other things to bring back to her old life to have priceless objects to hang on the wall. Its hard to believe that she want them just to remember but maybe to gloat with her possible new found love. .
The TV show that mama sees in her dream shows how Dee is embarrassed of her and how she comes off as materialistic and fake. In the dream everything is so picture perfect and exactly how mama thinks that Dee would like to see her.