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Human Sexuality


            No matter who you ask to express their views on sexuality the answer will inevitably be different. Everyone finds different things sexual; it could be fashion (shoes), a smell (cologne), or even food. Many factors affect people's views on sexuality. People's age, gender, environment, and other things affect their views on sexuality and how they express their sexuality. From taking this class I have discovered that sexuality is everywhere and it is lifelong, I have based my definition of sexuality on how I was raised, what I have learned for myself, and what I have taken from this class. Human sexuality is all around us, it is lifelong and should not be something people should be afraid to talk about, and while sex is beautiful and pleasurable it should e saved for marriage.
             Human sexuality is everywhere. You cannot go anywhere nor do anything without seeing something sexual. It was there during the Super bowl halftime show with Janet and Justin without any warning. Sexuality is even obvious in little kid's cartoons. Even back in the days of Betty Boop cartoons it was there. Even women dealing with their menstrual cycles and birth control has to do with sexuality. Human sexuality has an affect on everyone's daily lives. .
             Human Sexuality is lifelong. From the time we are born we are sexual. Little children suck their thumbs and they touch themselves but they don't really understand why. Sexuality is evident in all stages of life, including during pregnancy. Today's actresses are considered sexual even during pregnancy and they are making no attempt to hide their big bellies. We are sexual even into our old age, and yes even Albert Einstein was sexual. Our society has a hard time accepting that we are sexual our whole lives, but we need to be able to communicate about sexuality because it is really a big part of our lives.
             I believe that love should be passionate and sexy. Everyone is attracted to different people, whether it is the chivalrous type or the bad boy.

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