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Teen suicide


" (McCoy, Ch.2) Being a teenager, is tough, especially in today's world where teens are faced with gangs, drugs, sex, alcohol, pressure to do well in school, to please your family, to wear the right cloths, drive a nice car, and there are plenty more. Although some of the issues stated above seem pretty basic, when added up they can be a lot of pressure for any individual to handle.
             They may have eating problems, like gorging or starving themselves for reasons that are deeper and more difficult to understand, but, are related to their low self-esteem. In addition, they sleep for long periods of time during the day as if not wanting to face the outside world. Furthermore, looking for acceptance, they tend to seek out the company of "losers," those who do not fit into the teen culture well, who consider themselves on the fringe of society, who congregate in gangs in order to feel secure, and who indulge in escapist behaviors such as drinking and taking drugs. Often, emotionally shaky teens will deliberately look for situations that label them as "losers." Nothing is expected, of losers, and in this group, at least, they feel accepted. (Crook, 17) Many however, who feel rejected by their parents find a boyfriend or girlfriend in whom they invest all the responsibility for a loving relationship. The teen's need for affection, acceptance, and understanding is forced onto a friend. When the relationship fails, as it may easily do, he/she can experience a tremendous sense of loss. (Crook, 17) In this way, young teen minds cannot cope with another sense of loss and call it quits.
             Which teenagers are most likely to take their own lives? Is it the popular Romeo and Juliet couple who down a lethal concoction of barbiturates after their parents bar them from seeing each other? Or is it the quiet, academically driven student whose parents are embroiled in a messy divorce who just snaps after failing a test? Or, is it the rich, narcissistic nerd who plots an elaborate and public "escape" as revenge against the world? The answer is all of the above.

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