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Opportunities in the NBA Industry


             industry provides. Through sports athletes can have a better life financially, emotionally, .
             mentally and physically. Athletes of all ages can benefit through sports and ultimately .
             become better people. By being associated with whatever NBA team I end up with I will .
             concern my main efforts to helping youths achieve that goal. Whether they play on the .
             NBA team or are a couple of 13 year olds playing at the park. The efforts I put into the .
             company will hopefully benefit the athletes of today in the long run. Through another .
             personal selling philosophy I will adopt a marketing concept to fit the NBA team's .
             concept, I will add personal value to the company by assuming the problem solver role .
             and continue to make the organization a championship caliber team. If all goes well I will .
             have effectively sold my self to the Dallas Mavericks or Sacramento Kings. This .
             philosophy relates to my career in that as the Director of Basketball Operations I .
             eventually want to prove and sell my self that I am capable of owning the entire .
             organization and make proper decisions in the future success of the team.
             Relationship Strategy: .
             For relationship strategy to be a success I must create trust and mutual respect with my .
             potential employer. That will in turn ensure a long-term partnership. For me to .
             successfully maintain this relationship I will adopt a win-win philosophy. In terms of that .
             I am dedicated to the success of the team winning and winning a championship, if the .
             Harpin, Opportunities in the NBA Industry.
             team wins, I win. If the team doesn't win I will take it upon myself to correct whatever .
             needs to be done so the team I am with can regain it prestige status among the NBA's .
             elite teams. I would implement my relationship strategy by doing my job the best that I .
             can and going above and beyond of what I am asked to do to ensure our teams success. .
             My relationship strategy would benefit the company because the team has already .

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