Harpin, Opportunities in the NBA Industry.
My career profession is being involved in the professional sports industry, more .
specifically the National Basketball Association. My personal goal or immediate career in .
the National Basketball Association would be a position as Director of Basketball .
Operations for an NBA team. My long term goal would eventually be an Owner or a .
General Manager for some team. The NBA's industry is a very lucrative business, with .
the players of the game selling the league. With the arrival of two teenage super stars in .
Carmelo Anthony, (19) and Lebron James (18) the NBA's industry and future is bright. .
The NBA is one of the top professional sport industries around. The NBA's average .
income this past year was estimated at over 42 billion dollars, only second to the National .
Football League. With the marketability of players, teams and cities I see no reason why .
the NBA won't continue to grow. As far as a company is concerned my ideal first job .
would be with either the Dallas Mavericks or Sacramento Kings. Both teams are very .
successful in the league, have great fans, great cities and the owners of both teams Mark .
Cuban (Dallas) and the Maloof Brothers (Sacramento) are extremely intelligent owners. .
If all else falls through I would pursue a job here in Denver with the Nuggets.
Personal Selling Philosophy:.
My personal selling philosophy will include developing relationships with other .
people in the organizations I am trying to pursue. After that I will analyze the needs of .
the company and sell my self on why I would be a good asset to the company in fulfilling .
their needs. However, it's not all about selling my self to the company I need to provide .
Harpin, Opportunities in the NBA Industry.
the organization and city with a benefit to help them succeed in the future. This can be .
accomplished the developing the skills of the youth on the team, and the youth .
throughout the city by promoting the ethics, teamwork, and relationship that the sports .