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american Indians


Moose hide provided an material for making moccasins lined with rabbit fur.
             Hovenweep is a Ute word meaning "deserted valley," is the name for the canyons .
             north of the San Juan River. Which lies evidence of "neighborhood" of Ancient Puebloan .
             Culture. One of many in the Four Corners area of Arizona, Utah, New Mexico and .
             Colorado. "Hovenweep ruins are situated in both Utah and Colorado. Though no one can .
             ever know for sure, a popular theory puts forward the idea that severe droughts in the 10th and 11th centuries challenged the Ancient Puebloans ability to survive in the area. Other theories say it was war between tribes that forced the APCs to the south forever. While the area today looks quite dry and desolate, the ruins of multifamily dwellings and lookout towers clearly indicate a once thriving community of farmers and hunter/gatherers. Hovenweep is made up of six groups of ruins comprised of square, oval, circular and D-shaped structures: the Square Tower Ruins, best-reserved and most impressive of the Utah ruins; Cajon Ruins in Utah; and Holly Ruins, Hackberry Canyon, Cutthroat Castle and Goodman Point Ruins located in the same area, but in Colorado. Square Tower, home to the monument's headquarters, is relatively easy to locate but the remaining ruins will take some effort. A year-round ranger station and campground located at Square Tower provides directions to the other sites".(3).
             Sequoyah of the Cherokee developed an alphabet for his people so that the written .
             word could become part of his people's legacy, but beyond that much of what is known by .
             Indians and about Indians has passed from mouth to mouth, generation to generation. Stories that originated in the lodges and camp fires still are told today, and without that effort the past would be lost. The Iroquois trace the beginning of human life to a time when Skywoman fell to an island created by a giant turtle. The island grew in shape and size and became North America.

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