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All About Solid & Hazardous Waste


We can also consume less by deciding how much a product is really needed. Redesigning manufacturing processes to use less material, energy, pollution, and waste. Develop products that are easy to reuse, repair, remanufacture, compost, or recycle. As well as, designing product that will last longer than currents ones. Furthermore eliminating or reducing unnecessary packing (taking things that can't be recycled etc.) In addition to using trash taxes to reduce waste, and use the revenues to reduce taxes on income and wealth. .
             For several years researchers and analysts have been trying to figure out a way to reduce hazardous waste intake or transform it into a substance that can be re-used. Several analysts have come up with substantial positive arguments that support an eco-industrial revolution'. An ecoindustrial revolution per says would help accommodate 3 huge areas of our existence: Industrial, Economic, and Environment. "The goals of this emerging concept of cleaner production, or industrial ecology, are to redesign all industrial products and processes and then integrate them into (1.) essentially closed systems of cyclical material flows and (2.) networks in which the waste of one manufacturer become new, raw material for another- .
             In Denmark this idea is already in action. Denmark places such a higher priority on recycling and reusing bottles, glasses, plastics and aluminums. In Denmark, 99% of glass bottles purchased by the consumers are returned to the companies for recycling purposes. After bottles are retrieved they are primarily recycled and used again for beverage containing purposes. All in all, bottles will travel from producer to consumer and back an estimated thirty-three times before they are finally disposed of. In other words one company's waste has become another companies raw, staring material.
             Along with other developing ideas, there was another idea that stood out amongst the rest.

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