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However, when there is a delay in reporting, the information may losses its relevance, so, it is not very useful for decision-makings. For half-yearly reports, it may be relevant since information are disclosed more often but it may be unreliable as it can include some "one off" events such as an economy downturn or a sudden boom where performance may be under or over stated, thus causing the information to be inaccurate. For news released by the media or through insider report, it is timely as it is reported immediately but it may lack reliability and relevance as the information is derived from many sources and sometime the information can be distorted by unreliable sources with mean purpose.
             (c) .
             Continuous disclosure is derived from the disclosure principle that states that GPFR (general-purpose financial reports) provided by any reporting entities shall disclose any information relevant to the assessment of financial position and performance, financing and investing activities regarding an entity, including the information about compliance. The business's financial statement should also provide its users with enough information to make sound decisions regarding the business by reporting reliable, comparable, material and relevant information. Continuous disclosure is also an act imposed by The Corporate Law Reform to apply to superannuation funds and requires any business to disclose any information immediately if the information affects the share price. Moreover it is also a requirement that comes under the Australian Stock Exchange. Continuous disclosure also requires any reporting entity to provide a more comprehensive report such as to include details of interest expenses and revenue, extraordinary items and for listed companies, earning per-share in half yearly reports. It aims at keeping the users of the information of an entity up to date and also to prevent any misconduct by any entity.

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