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Midwest Area


             The Midwest consists of many different states. Eight to be exact, Illinois, Indianan, Ohio, Iowa, Missouri, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. Since there are many states in the Midwest area they then have a large variety of crops grown. There are six crops grown in all eight states. Barley, corn, hay, oats, soybeans, and wheat. That is just a few of the many crops grown. You will learn many different things about each state in the Midwest. .
             The Great Chicago Fire was a very significate thing in Illinois history. It was said to be started at nine o' clock by or near the O' Leary barn. The story is said that a cow had kicked of a latern at the O' Leary farm and the fire had gotten out of hand and burnt the whole city down, They do not know exactly what had happened. The Lewis and Clark Expedition was also a very important event in history. Two people had to ride on rivers for years just to find out if you could get to the Pacific Ocean on two rivers. These rives are the Missouri and Clombia rivers. The trip was rough but all in all they got through it. Not long after returing home Clark died and Lewis became Govenor of the Missouri Territory. .
             The Hudson river in Michigan is a very interesting place to go, you can do many things there such as fish, swim, go boating, just relax and many other things. Other interesting places you could visit would be the Grand Lake St. Mary's, the Maumess River, Lake Erie's Bass Islands, Sandusky/Port Clinton are and Indiana's Chain of Lakes State Park. There are a lot of interesting things to do in the Midwest such as casinos, zoos, museums, shopping, and amusment parks. That is just a few of the many things you can do in the Midwest.
             Johnny Appleseed is a very popular person. You learn about him in school. He sepnt 49 years of his life in the American wilderness planting apple seeds. His real name was John Chapman, he was born on September 26, 1774 in Massachusetts.

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