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Critical Essay: Gimpel the Fool


             "Gimpel the Fool", by Isaac Bashevis Singer, is an excellent short story with.
             elements like style, characterization, and theme to make the Jewish tale a delight to read.
             for young and old. The story never loses ones" attention, and the suspense to see what the.
             outcome in Gimpels" life makes the story readable and likeable. Easy to understand style,.
             great characterization, and a clear, deep theme makes this story a success.
             Singers" style of writing is very unique in that it is extremly easy to comprehend,.
             yet not too simple or boring. From the very first sentence, "I am Gimpel the fool", the.
             charecter shows peoples" outlook about him, making it extremly clear and catches ones".
             attention. Throughout the story, dialogue is used, making it into a story that is told from a.
             first person point of view. Singer also uses traditional Jewish traditions and vocabulary to.
             further enchance the story. Words like "chalah, welkin, and Rabbi", tell the reader of the.
             origin of the story. Also, when Gimpel marries Elka, they marry under a canopy, "But.
             what was I to do, run away from under the marriage canopy?", which is a Jewish custom.
             when a couple marry.
             Characterization of Gimpel is an extremly important part in telling the story.
             "Gimpel the Fool" successfully. The whole story, even from the title, is based on Gimpels.
             character, which is a fool. We are told in the beggining just how much of a fool he is in.
             Gimpel's own words, "I had seven names in all: imbecile, donkey, flax-head, dope,.
             glump, ninny, and fool. The last name stuck." The reader cannot help but feel sympathy.
             for Gimpel, because the main thing we learn about him is that he is tricked all the time by.
             townspeople. Elka is another well written about character. The reader actually starts to.
             dislike Elka because of the strong, negative view that we are told. Her deceptive nature.
             toward Gimpel furthur makes him seem extremly gullible. The ironic part of Gimpel.
             being a fool is that he knows what is going on and understands it, but never really stands.

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