Such as the German's role in America. He believed the only reason that America was the "Master of the continent" was because of the Germanic presence. He not only believed in the superiority of the German nation, but he also believed that the only way to arrive at peace is through war. In his writing Mein Kamph he states, "If we were serious, whether we liked it or not, we would have to wage war in order to arrive at pacifism," (Hitler, 489) and also states "Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live" (Hitler, 490). Hitler believed in many eccentric and biased things, and people thought that whatever he said was right because of the power that he had over the German nation.
Were the Nazi leaders the only ones responsible for the program aimed at the Jews? No, they were not. Many German civilians also had a part in the attempt to exterminate the Jewish population. Many German's did not want to kill six million Jews in the concentration camps, but they did so for fear of not only their own lives but also the lives of their families. Germans were coerced into killing, followed orders blindly, succumbed to peer pressure, or simply were unaware of the ongoing genocide. On the other hand many Germans felt the same way about the Jews as the Nazis did. So Hitler and the Nazis only had to add fuel to the hatred already present in some of the German society and gave them as way to justify their actions. The fact still remains that the Germans had plenty of opportunities to decline in the participation of the killing of the Jews. Thorea believes that people should be themselves and not follow everyone else, they should be an individual rather than find comfort following the rest of society. If the German population had done this along with the Jews, it could have saved millions of innocent lives.