found on the back of the arm, leg, lower back, the butt and genital are.
suspicious bruises and often questioned bruises. Patterned bruising is.
also a sign of abuse. Normal bruises are in various shapes and sizes.
While some bruises that are a patterned show strong signs of abuse. These.
are bruises that have definite boundaries and sharp and curved edges. For.
example rope, rulers, hand prints and so on. .
Burns are also a sign of abuse. Burns are patterned like bruises. These burns would have sharp edges and spots that were spared from flexation. Water immersion burns are common signs of child abuse usually caused by a.
caretaker holding the child in the water. Also patterned burns which are.
burns caused by pressing hot objects on the child bodies. .
Another sign of abuse is fractures. These types of fractures are signs of abuse. Spiral fractures are usually breaks in the humerus or femur.
resulting from twisting of the limb. Head and internal injuries are often.
signs of abuse. Such as occasion, whiplash or shaken baby syndrome are.
examples of head injuries. Chest and abdominal injuries are common in.
abuse. This is caused by hitting or grasping a child. .
Sexual Abuse .
Sexual abuse is defined as the sexual exploitation or sexual activities of children. A child under these circumstances will indicate that the child's health or welfare is harmed or threatened. Intra familial sexual abuse includes incest and refers any type of exploitative sexual contact between relatives. .
There are many physical indicators of sexual abuse. Here are some examples of physical indicators: difficulty in walking or sitting, torn, stained or bloody underwear, bleeding, bruising and itching around the genitals and anal. Frequent urinary tract or yeast infections. Pain on urination and so on. There are no pattern or causes of conduct that leads to sexual abusers.
Child Neglect .
The definition of child neglect is the treatment or maltreatment of a child by a parent or caretaker under circumstances indicating harm or threatened harm to the child's health or welfare.