If you didn't go through with the "sacrifice" you would not get in trouble for murder, but rather in trouble for "attempted" murder. It will be extremely hard to convince a jury that you were going to kill your son because you were told to do so by a religious spirit. The fact that the times are so different you can't really compare them. .
I think another reason Abraham receives so much praise is because he was put into a position to receive it. Think about it, if God picked a single man to display his strong faith then there must have been a reason. If Abraham was worth enough to receive praise from God about his faith, is he not worthy enough of us for us to give him praise? Had Abraham not been selected, and not written about in holiest book of the Catholic religion, the Bible, he would not receive the praise he does, but the fact he is represented in the Bible for his great faith shows that he deserves all that comes his way. .
Preachers must also praise Abraham to show that God is present in our lives. By telling the story and making Abraham look like a hero for having such a strong faith, preachers can instill in people the idea that they too must have a great faith in God. The story of Abraham shows how Abraham was rewarded by having such a strong connection with God. This allows preachers to drive home the point that with strong faith and belief in God people too can be rewarded for their faith. Even though people shouldn't just have faith to get a reward, preachers can show that people will have a reward for believing in God. .
There is defiantly responsible ways in which Abraham should be acclaimed. People have to know that they cannot go out and cause harm, try and "sacrifice" lives and terrorize whoever in order to prove their religious devotion. Things aren't done that way. I don't think God intends for things to be done that way either. People have to realize that we live in a different time than Abraham.