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Seattle has a large number of people holding their bachelor's degree with 122,000 as well as 71,000 with a masters. While 65,000 are in college right now there are 320,000 people with jobs while some 18,000 are unemployed. The numbers on employment may be skewed however, due to recent problems in the national economy. Most of the jobs being held are professional and managerial positions employing some 160,000. Seattle's median household income is $46,000. Meanwhile, sadly to say, 64,000 individuals live in poverty.
             Closely related are the immigration issues facing the city. Seattle is considered by many to be the best place to live in the western United States, and since the year 2000 there has been an increase of 40.2% in the immigrant population of 1990, which compared with an increase of 4.4% in the foreign-born population that includes children born to immigrants over the same period of time. Since 1990 the foreign-born immigrants jumped to 46.5% of the cities population. The population in1990 of foreign-born immigrants was 68,000 residents, which was the 22nd largest group of immigrants in the nation's cities. Since the year 1980 there was an increase of 12,000 immigrants flawing to the city of Seattle. These foreign-born population data point to immigrant settlement as accounting for 54% of the cities increase in population during the decade of the 80's. This impoact in Seattle's immigrant population is understated to the extent that it does not take into account the youths born to the immigrant population, however, those children are part of the native-born population rather than the immigrant population.
             The population projection in the year 2025 in Seattle is an expected 700,000 + people. That's 24.4% more residents than the 2000 population. In a recent article that was mentioned in Seattle Times, a man who had been jay walking was stopped by a local officer and was discovered to have no green card.

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