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Youth Poverty


The share of jobs for.
             those with a post secondary education is.
             increasing while the share for those with a high school education or less is dropping. Also the costs of a post-secondary education have increased so much that the gap in university.
             participation rates between students from families of low and middle socioeconomic background. The average undergraduate arts tuition.
             jumped from $1,653 in 1990 to $3,971 by 2000, which is an increase of 140% and still rising, In 2003 the average was $4600 for undergrad tuition. The Average student debt at the end of graduation is somewhere around $25,000, a number that many youths cannot afford to put on their shoulders. Luckily the new provincial Liberals have frozen the tuitions for at least one year, giving some students that extra help in paying off that debt. .
             With the issues already stated, about the raise of tuition rates, and the lack of job opportunity, this really opens up the doors for children on social assistance, also known as welfare. From 1994, to present day, the welfare cases have dropped tremendously in numbers. Also the number of children on welfare has dropped from 1994 to recent times, from 145,000, to 72,000 applicants. A very important reason for this downfall in statistics has been the amount of new job opportunities the economy has opened up, both part-time, and full-time. Even with the increase of job opportunities, and the downfall of caseloads, most of the poor people leaving welfare for jobs, are often taking low paying, and unstable jobs. Yet still, even though many caseloads are dropping, it isn't changing child poverty rates. Minimum wage, has also been a problem over the years, and is linked with the welfare problems. Welfare and minimum wage are set so that people do not fall, but many people are falling due to inflation in the economy. These issues need to be addressed so that the inflation can be compensated for so that people will not fall, because these issues are contributing to the increased poverty rates.

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