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E-mail verses Conventional Mail


             In today's world, new technologies are allowing the present civilization to do many things even quicker, easier, and more efficiently than ever anticipated before. Today's new inventions are designed to help improve speed and productivity of any job, ranging from jobs that involve little to no labor at all and to jobs that involve rigorous amounts of small detail and tough labor, and are being thought up by scientists and inventors on a daily basis. One of these many inventions of the modern world is electronic mail, otherwise known as E-mail, a computer based mailing system using the Internet as its host. E-mail is probably one of the best inventions to happen to the world. Designed to take place of conventional mail, the mail service provided by the United States postal service, E-mail represents a completely new way to communicate with others and with greater speed, ease of use, reliability, and minimum to no cost.
             The speed in which any mail, either transported by E-mail or through the postal service, is a significant factor in sending mail. E-mail easily has the lead in this field. No matter where you"re sending your message, whether it's on the other side of the town or on the other side of the planet, even the most rambling missive still takes only seconds or, at most, minutes to reach its destination. Obviously, the speed of the postal service isn't quite up to that of E-mail. A single letter can take two days to a few weeks depending on the location of the sender and the destination. The mail has to be taken to a main post office branch in the area to be sorted and then delivered to the nearest post office of the receiver. Even, mail that is sent next door might travel hundreds of miles to another town and back before finally reaching its destination. However, before the mail can reach the destination the sender must first prepare the message or letter to be sent and the ease of use is also a very large factor.

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