I could chop all our own wood in the wintertime and all. Honest to God, we could have a terrific time!".
Biff has also trouble dealing with his adulthood. Although he is in his thirties, he is more or less stuck in his teenage life. He is not able to take responsible decisions, and never got a "real" job, so he never had the experience of work and earning money. Like Holden, he makes up unrealistic projects for the future. For instance when he is planning to start a basketball team with his brother. "We form two basketball teams, see? Two water-polo teams. We play each other. It's a million dollars" worth publicity." He is not rational enough to understand that his idea is impossible to achieve in reality until later in the novel. .
Holden's character is utterly complex. Most of the time, he never shows a sign of emotion towards other people, which makes it very hard for them to understand him. He has a hard time dealing with his own emotions, and therefore cannot emotionally interact with the people surrounding him. Holden's way of communicating with other people serves as self-protection. This has been the case since his bother died. Such as the time when his roommate in high school, Stradlater, went on a date with Jane, Holden's former neighbour girlfriend. Jane awakened warmth and feelings in Holden, therefore he was jealous and worried that Stradlater - the flirter of the school - might do something with her. " "If you didn't take her to New York, where"d ya go with her?" I asked him after a while. I could hardly keep my voice from shaking all over the place. Boy, was I getting nervous." Instead of telling Stradlater he has feelings for Jane, Holden starts making remarks to piss Stradlater off. Holden has often the tendency to push away the people who are actually very close to him, he thinks they are "phoney", as a result they stop trying to help and understand him, and therefore he often ends up feeling lonely and depressed.