Andrea had taken her father's boat without permission one night, and she had not known of the terrible storm that was coming. Once the strong winds and pouring rain had tossed the boat around like a little toy, Andrea had escaped into a small lifeboat stored on her father's boat. Two days later, she was still in the lifeboat, now floating through the salty Gulf of Mexico. The only thing she had eaten was some soggy crackers, and she was becoming extremely dehydrated. She did not know where the boat would take her, nor did she seem to care. As long as she reached some form of land she was bound to be taken back to her parents. Every land she knew of had residents, and she was sure that the residents would send her home. Surely there were no uninhabited islands. .
In the mean time, Andrea thought about the scorching heat and the effect the sun's vicious rays would have on her skin. It felt as though she was actually cooking, and she could feel her skin turning a bright shade of red. The deep blue water looked mouth-watering, and Andrea had to fight her desire to drink it. To avoid thinking about her discomfort she thought about what the people in her town would say about her adventure once she was safely back home. She would be like a celebrity and would probably receive many cards and gifts. The thought of returning to her home was the only thing that kept her from panicking, and she had no thoughts of what would happen if she were not rescued.
A few hours later, Andrea spotted a small piece of land and her boat drifted toward it. The island had banana trees and insects, but it had no people. Trying to ignore her sense of disappointment, Andrea started to eat the bananas and then searched for something to drink. While searching, she thought of how she would get off the island. The only plan she could think of was to build a huge fire and to hope that someone would see it and rescue her.