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Hitler's party had 230 out of 608 seats in the Reichstag in the July 1932 elections. Understanding that Hitler's presence was too great to be ignored, Hindenburg offered Hitler and the Nazi's a place in his presidential government. Hitler is often viewed as an opportunist and not as a strategist; however, a opportunist at this particular time would have jumped at a place in the Hindenburg government in exchange for a coalition of government. Hitler the strategist could see the larger picture of the crippling government and polarized political spectrum. Hitler knew along with the backing of industry and the military, it would be only a matter of time before he would be appointed to the Chancellorship in the presidential cabinet. "In the November of 1932 Hindenburg summoned Hitler and offered him a chance to lead if he could first put together a majority in the Reichstag." Hitler would refuse because he would accept nothing less than sweeping powers in government. The patience and cunning personality of Hitler would soon pay off. Hitler was holding out for the highest stakes and refusing all compromise attempts to involve him otherwise in government. Politics had become so spit that a government with Hitler and the National Socialist would be the only alternative. President Hindenburg now had no other options. Pressure from the forces of the right, the Junkers, the army, and industry became so great there would be no other choice to be made, Hitler would become the chancellor and the Third Reich would begin. "On January 28 1933, Hindenburg turned to von Papen and asked him to form a new government. He knew this could only be a government with Adolf Hitler on top." Hitler's position of power was due to his attitude of refusing anything less that his objectives. Hitler's desire to grab power came at a time when politics were so polarized and split only a radical could be the answer to the problems the Weimar republic faced.

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