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Regional Development in Sweden


The welfare state politics determined the improving of the standard of living in Sweden.
             Sweden has an ancient tradition of local and regional self-government, where the state has assigned responsibility to the local and regional authorities for the provision of important social services. Municipal councils, county councils and regional councils are all elected in general elections, and they all have the right to levy taxes in order to finance their activities. .
             The municipalities are mainly responsible for the provision of school education, childcare, care of the elderly, social services, spatial planning and environmental health protection. Municipalities' are directly elected political bodies on local level. .
             The county councils' most resource-consuming task is health and medical services. In recent years they have also, together with the municipalities, increased their commitment in areas that contribute to regional development, i.e. education, research and development, culture, tourism, commerce, the environment and public transport. County councils' are directly elected political bodies on regional level. .
             The two pilot regions have established directly elected regional councils. Regional council' is the term used for the directly elected political bodies in the two pilot regions, Skåne and Vãstra GÖtaland. Unlike the traditional county councils, the new regions have greater impact on regional policy goals and the formal responsibility for the county's regional development. The new regions are formally still county councils', but have assumed greater responsibility for regional development than other county councils.
             They still handle health and medical services, but unlike traditional county councils, the new regions have assumed full responsibility for the county's regional development from the county administrative boards. They have made the commitment to promote sustainable growth and development in their respective counties.

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