Drinking as culture, drinking as a right of passage, drinking to socialize, and drinking to relax are all part of why college students, particularly fraternity members binge drink. .
The Greek tradition that was once the basis of life for fraternities on college campuses has been long lost and has been replaced by the need to party and consume alcohol. Alcohol has whittled its way from a small delicacy at a fraternity event, to the basic need of one's daily life among fraternities today. "In a study conducted at the University of Washington, 85 percent of residents of Greek society houses reported drinking alcohol at least one to two times per week, and 37 percent said they drank at least three to four times per week" (Baer). Fraternities nowadays base a majority of their events on alcohol. Drinking has become a rite of passage among the Greek Houses. One is no longer able to join a fraternity without having to consume some amount of alcohol. During "rush week", when new members are sought out and initiated, all activities are centered around alcohol. Barbeques and parties are thrown to attract new members. Fraternities compete with each other to be the best, and as a result there are extreme amounts of alcohol to attract potential "brothers". Anyone interested in joining a fraternity is put through an initiation by fellow brothers. Current traditions all include alcohol and binge drinking. New members are forced to play drinking games and engage in alcohol related activities. "One game includes taking a shot of beer every minute for a hundred minutes" (Schroth). There are numerous games which lead to the same binge drinking experience. Others are forced to chug pitchers of beer or drink until they pass out or get sick. The "rushees" spend a week drinking excessive amounts of alcohol just to prove themselves to fraternities. If one satisfies the brothers drinking standards then they are initiated into the fraternity.