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Methods Of Conflict Resolution


             The best way to deal with conflict is to make sure it doesn't happen in the first place. This is best done by being extremely candid and honest when dealing with other people in whatever activity concerned.
             Provided that conflict is not dysfunctional (e.g. violent) it can be beneficial to us. Conflict helps us to realize that things are going wrong in our relationships. A conflict, provided it is managed properly, also helps us to redefine our relationships in ways that are beneficial to us. Conflict also gives us the opportunity to discuss our relationships, and what is wrong with them. It can help us to build a better foundation for our relationships.
             • conflict is when people fight each other.
             • conflict is war.
             • conflict is disagreement between people.
             • conflict means having different points of view.
             However, violent conflict is only one type of conflict. It is the most visible because it usually leads to injuries, death, loss and the destruction of property. There is a different type of conflict that is not visible. It is known as structural conflict. In this type of conflict, physical violence is not present, even though it might later lead to it. But even our understanding of structural conflict is still tied to the idea of violence. Structural conflict results from structural violence. In situations of structural violence, people are not able to develop and exploit their talents.
             Conflict exists where people have incompatible goals. This means that each believes that their point of view is the only and correct one. They do not accept other points of view. This situation leads to disagreement. The disagreement may be violent or non-violent.
             Most of us deal with different types of conflict every day of our lives. The problem is that often, we try to manage conflicts without understanding them. When we do this, we make very little impression on the conflict.

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