Many characters in the soap operas, for example, are depicted in adulterous situations. Divorce is shown as being an easy option to a marriage in trouble. Believe it or not these programs are influencing us and should be avoided at all cost.
Another factor that contributes to the breakdown of marriage is an unwillingness of individuals to remain true to the marriage vow, "till death do us part." For some, commitment is difficult. For others, the quickest solution to a marriage in trouble is an annulment of the marriage. Divorce has now become socially acceptable. Women are able to gain status by other means than being wife and mother. They are able to work outside the home, support themselves and engage in meaningful careers. Therefore, if the high expectations for marriage are not met the couple may terminate the relationship without feeling that much has been lost. Unfortunately, divorce can be a devastating process and the broken relationships that accompany it make it difficult for those involved to commit to later relationships. .
The institution of marriage is no longer perceived by many as being important, many feel that living together without being married is as, if not more, fulfilling. The "piece of paper" or legal document is a mere formality, not a necessity. It is felt that a man-woman relationship can be just as meaningful outside of marriage as it is in it. To combat this issue the state of Louisiana enacted a law where it "allows couples to opt for a "covenant marriage" - terminable only after a lengthy separation or because of adultery, abandonment, abuse, or imprisonment. The law has been praised by many as an expedient against the epidemic of divorce and an incarnation of traditional values" (Rottenberg 286). If marriages were viewed as being important then more time might be spent in preparation for it. There are religious institutions that recommend a two-year period of courtship, extensive preparatory courses and counseling sessions before marriage.